GQnE Value Exchange Information

Do you feel that a value exchange of content and/or information with would be a good resource for your site visitors?

Do you have gardening tips, a gardening article or other garden content or information that you think would complement the Gardening Quick 'n Easy site?

If so, then GQnE may be interested in partnering with you and/or your website! Fill out and submit the form below to let GQnE know what you have in mind.

Value Exchange Request
Please note that all fields followed by an asterisk must be filled in.
First Name*
E-mail Address*
Web Site URL*
What information/content
would you like to share?
(max 105 characters)*
Website URL
(include "http://")
where you will
post the GQnE info:*
Additional Comments:

Please enter the word that you see below.


You should receive a response from GQnE within 24-48 hours regarding your interest in partnering with the website. The email will include the HTML code and script GQnE would like you to add to your website.

GQnE requests that all exchanges be completed within one week (7 days) of the agreement to exchange. Should GQnE's link not appear on your website on the approved page within that timeframe, your page information may be removed from the website.

If you experience difficulty in setting up the GQnE link on your site, please contact GQnE and someone will try to assist you.

Please know that in order to provide a valuable partnership for visitors, GQnE reserves the right to reject any requests deemed inappropriate. GQnE also reserves the right to remove a site's information or replace it on the GQnE Site at any time. GQnE will notify you if/when your exchange is rejected/removed/replaced.

Thank you !!

for your interest in exchanging content with

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Note: We'd love you to send us your favorite garden pics to feature on our new pages! Just Contact Us and we'll send you an email address that can accommodate your photographs.